Wednesday 2 March 2022

Our Final Destination: Customer Data

Well, we have reached the final destination of our whistle-stop digital marketing journey!

Over the last few weeks we have looked at everything from Google AnalyticsBig Data and SEO to Social Media Marketing and Paid Ad Campaigns

Your business should be well-versed in the basics of current digital marketing tools, tips and thinking and this is just the beginning! Market Motoring will be back with another series soon, but for now we will close out with an important hot-topic which is Customer Data.

Most companies you interact with these days hold some form of information about you. It could be anything from simply your name to your PPS number, card details or web browsing history. 

This incredible volume of data that is now created on a second-by-second basis means customer's privacy has been prioritized over the last number of years and we have seen the implementation of world wide data protection laws. In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets out how customer's data should be managed. In Ireland, there are additional laws like the Data Protection Acts. These laws govern who can hold customer's data, how they hold it, why they hold it and for how long they hold it. 

Running a business, particularly in the online world, means upholding your responsibility under these laws and acting ethically with the data you hold. It is critical to your business that you keep up-to-speed on the latest requirements under law that considers consumer's data. You can read more about GDPR using this great Irish resource here 

In our most recent blog post we talked about using paid advertising which can be used to target customers. When we think about customer data it is important to remember the information you use to target them should be used ethically. You may be targeting people in Kildare as you advertise a new car that is for sale for example - how you go about doing this is important. Take a look at the graphic below by Tasil to learn more!

Overall, it is important to remember customers online translate to real people and it is important to be respectful with the data you hold.

For more information you can contact your local Chamber of Commerce who can point you in the right direction if you need help getting to grips with managing customer's data. To find your local Chamber of Commerce click here 

Thank you for reading these blogposts, I really hope you enjoyed them and I hope to come to you with lots more information, tips and insights very soon. 

In the meantime, keep up with us here on Facebook!

Take care,

Holly - Market Motoring


  1. Holly I really enjoyed this blog post. Not only did you refer back to previous posts with links (which was very handy) but you also gave tips on ethical posts and a link to the Chamber of Commerce. What business in the motor Industry would not find this useful? A really informative read. Thank you
    Colette Breen-O'Boyle

  2. Hey Holly, really enjoyed your blog about the sensitive topic of consumer data. Indeed it is vital for any organization online or offline to handle consumer data with care and diligence and abide by the laws relating to it. We have seen numerous examples of doing it right and also doing it wrong. Regardless to say, doing it wrong will only lead to one way, which is failure. I liked your images which aptly explain the topic and examples. Well Done Comment By - Sultan Nazir

  3. great post Holly
    great job on highlighting of the issues around the gathering of consumer data.
    some excellent images and food for thought
    thanks Caitriona

  4. This is fantastic blog and I like that you highlight who to contact for help at the end of the blog
